Solo Build It! Review
Beware of Fake Affiliate Campaigns
Unscrupulous affiliate marketers are flooding the Web by writing fake “solo build it reviews” that negatively target our flagship product, Solo Build It!. We have no choice but to issue this official reply.
Here is how their campaign of negativity works…
- They use our name to attract those who are interested in Solo Build It! (“SBI!”). For example, you'll find several of their "reviews" if you search on "Solo Build It! reviews," "SBI! reviews," "SBI! scam" or "SiteSell scam." That is probably why you are here now.

- These reviews are "fake" because the authors do not intend to provide what you wanted — a fair, balanced and useful review that gave you excellent insight into the product. What you actually got was the beginning of a "sales funnel" for a competing product.
- Some create doubt through a combination of lies, out-of-date information, distortions, half-truths, or turning molehills into mountains. Others use the "objective approach," providing facts that are basically just features, perhaps even adding a kind word or two - they may even rate SBI! 77/100. Either way...
They are believable and sophisticated (trained to write reviews about 175 products!). You are likely not knowledgeable enough to recognize how you are being misled (or you would not be searching for reviews). Finally, whatever the nature of the content, the next step is always the same... - Since you think you are reading an actual SBI! review, you believe it (especially when you find a 2nd or 3rd). They refer you to their "#1 recommendation," a product called "Wealthy Affiliate" ("WA"). They do this for the high commission.
Yes, it is shameless and they should be ashamed. Most people are honest and so tend to believe others. Unlike them, though, we are not asking you to believe us. We are going to prove what we say. Let the depth of this response be an indication of how we do SBI! itself...
Everything is rigorous, data-supported and we always act in your best interest. People who "dare," would-be solopreneurs who are ready to try, are our champions. Not everyone succeeds, but...
No Product Ever Claimed Superiority Over SBI!
Before discussing what we now call "The Study," we should add that no company has ever made the mistake of claiming to have a product that is better than SBI! at enabling solopreneur success. The reason is simple...
There are none. For more than 10 years, we have verifiably proven success in 3 ways...
- 500 Top 0.5% Web sites 👉 This is an unmatched rate of success.
- Long-term Case Studies 👉 SBI! members ("SBIer") don't build sites. They build genuine businesses with long-term profit and equity.
- Current Stories from our blog 👉 Interesting new stories (with human interest and real-life takeaway lessons).
Wealthy Affiliate provides no such success. Nor do its affiliates. That has always been enough to deter others, even the sharks, from making this claim. Our response was swift...
We Performed a Never-Done-Before Study...
SBI! vs Wealthy Affiliate, Head-to-Head
Debate was pointless. WA users call others from WA to comment. That is why most comments that you see are also fake. We have devised a better way to disprove their claim, one that...
- a company can only do it if truly has the better product, and
- you yourself can repeat to see for yourself.
In April, 2017, we performed a study that compares the results of every one of their websites versus every one of ours (27,000 sites in all). Not only is WA not better than SBI!, the SBI! advantage is staggering. Here are a few of the results...
- Solopreneurs are 33X more likely to develop a high-traffic web business with SBI!.
- They are 10X more likely to perform at medium level.
- 87% of Wealthy Affiliate sites fell into the lowest level of failure (called "Invisible" due to being undetectable at Alexa and SimilarWeb).
- In every measurement, SBI!'s margin of superiority was greatest when using SEMrush, which measures organic search traffic. SBI! was 43X more likely to help solopreneurs develop a high-traffic web business than WA.

The full SBI! vs Wealthy Affiliate Study is here.
Before continuing, consider the magnitude of the difference. "33X" does not mean that SBI! is 33% better. It's 33 times better. In other words, for every solopreneur that WA ranks as high-traffic, SBI! has 33...
Where would you rather build your business?
By now, hopefully, you're asking yourself (and us, by extension)....
"How Do I Know That the Study Is True?"
Yes! Great question. Sadly, there are many liars online, people who will take advantage of others. This is especially true in the fields of "making money online," "pain and suffering" or "weight loss." You are, in effect, a "mark" to many who operate in these areas.
Consider us as a shark "until proven otherwise." It's the best approach to avoid being hurt. Any honest company will deliver the answers to the approach that we suggest below. If a company does not, walk away.
So how DO you know that The Study is true?
Any good study must be objective, rigorous, statistically significant and reproducible. The Study shows you exactly how to perform it ("Methodology" in Part 2). So anyone can reproduce the results for her-or himself.
In fact, we were so surprised by the size of the difference that we re-ran the study one full month later, repeating the whole process. The results were virtually identical (only minor random changes).
Wealthy Affiliate? They have not published any data to the contrary.
Another Way to Cut to the Truth
It is rare to see a head to head study such as the one above. We only did it due to the high volume of fake SBI reviews by WA affiliates.
Building a successful online business can impact your life, and that of your family, in significant ways. Unfortunately, many sharks want your money without returning value for it.
So do not be fooled by ✅✅✅ comparison tables or testimonials that are signed by the unverifiable "J. Smith from Tucson, Arizona." Those are successful sales techniques, but the information is worthless to you. Let us ask you, "Why?"
If you answered, "some companies lie and it's my future that's at stake," you are ready!
Your choice of company must use a process that is more ruthless and relentless than the sharks are. It's nothing personal if you do not take companies at face value.
Here is a simple tip to protect yourself... INSIST upon well documented, verifiable proof of success. In short, insist that DOMAINS accompany every success story.
If you visit the 3 forms of proof that we have provided for 10 years, you will find that every success story includes the domain name of the site.
Here are the links to our three forms of proof again...
- Results page features 500 SBI! members (SBIers). They are all in the Alexa Top 1,000,000, a level that's too challenging for most solopreneurs.
- Multi-Year SBI! Reviews features a smaller number of widely different successes followed (through updates from the SBIers) over a period of many years. REAL businesses last, building income and equity (the value of a business when you sell it for a final balloon payment).
- Real Life Success Lessons are recent stories, focus on the human element, featured in our blog, and accompanied with valuable, experience-based Takeaway Lessons.
Tip #1: Again, don't just take our word for it. You can do quite a bit of digging with a domain name:
- Visit the site and notice how it is organized. Contact the owners directly and ask how they like SBI! (or any other product).
- Enter the domain name into, and Check for yourself how well the site is doing in terms of traffic.
- Use a whois tool such as to verify that the domain really is a customer of the product (more on that in the P.S.).
Tip #2: Ignore companies who try to attack the above advice. Some will say that traffic-checking tools, especially Alexa are not reliable. This detailed article is the definitive work on Alexa.
Many people don't seem to realize that you cannot use Google Analytics on sites you do not own. There is no such direct way to do that. However, the above are 3 free tools that are excellent for the purpose.
Each of them uses a different technique to determine traffic. When used together, you can have a high degree of confidence about a site's traffic.
Ironically, Alexa is the most misunderstood tool, with loads of misinformation. The irony is that SBIers build real sites with people who do not use the Alexa toolbar. IF the bias (pre-2008, out-of-date information) was still correct, it would mean that SBI! traffic is even better than the Alexa part of The Study finds.
Learning to use the 3 tools is a valuable skill, not just now to verify any claims of success (Wealthy Affiliate provides NO success). You will use them many times each day, for all the reasons outlined in the article.
Tip #3: Ignore those who say that traffic does not mean much, that high-traffic sites can fail to earn much and vice-versa. While those are possible situations, they are outliers. In general...
- No traffic, no income. And...
- However you monetize, your earnings will increase as your traffic does.
As The Study explains, traffic is the only easy-to-perform, verifiable way to measure proof of success. Too many people don't like to reveal income and even if they told us, how would you verify that?
Finally, if anything, SBIers probably monetize at a higher $-per-visitor ratio. That's because SBI! trains you in many different monetization models. Wealthy Affiliate trains you only in one.
It is high-risk to depend on a single way to earn income from your traffic. Diversifying income reduces risk, increases income and value of your business.
The Study Takes the "Bait" Out of "Debait"
Many ridiculous attacks by one group or another feature "bait" (e.g. damaging claims). The attacked company feels compelled to debate. That's a mistake. All you do is create more content while the "baiter" creates more claims.
It's easy to make stuff up. it takes time to take accusations apart. Meanwhile, you can go down the rabbit hole trying to figure out who is telling the truth.
The Study produces the only answer you need....
No matter what reviews may say, the 33X and other results means that they are either lies, molehills (not the mountains that the review claims) and just generally wrong or unimportant.
A high percent of WA's clients are "pushed" into "make money" sites (e.g, sites about "affiliate marketing" or "make money online" - any topic related to the building of a business online). It's a hard-to-win and depressing niche, with a decreasing sense of self-worth stuck with all the other people trying to fool yet more people into buying "make money" products that don't work.
SBIers write about real niches, topics they know and love. You could be writing about Caribbean cruising, exotic turtles or classic cars of the 50s. What do you know and love? SBI! uses tools and strategies to help you find your perfect niche.
Your chances of success go way up, as does your joy and sense of self-worth when not playing the "make money" game. You not only build more traffic, income and equity, you'll find that you can't wait to keep building a business that you love.
And we have the numbers that prove it. They don't. And if you stop to think about that for a moment, wouldn't you prove how good you are if you could?
Is SBI! Right for You?
Does the above proof of solopreneur success absolutely mean that SBI! must be the right product for you? Nothing is 100% certain. So how can you be sure?
STEP #1 Ignore fake affiliate reviews. They seek to mislead you to poor products that make them money.
STEP #2 Find out for yourself today. Let the only thing that counts, your own SBI! experience, speak. Give SBI! a good, honest try. Commit to it…
- Follow the Action Guide for 90 days (see our 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee).
- Use the tools. Really do it.
- Need a helping hand? Use SiteSell Support. Go to the SBI! Forums, the most useful small e-business forums in the world where incredible people live by the philosophy of “help and be helped” every day.
STEP #3 If you love SBI! the way most people do, continue building an online business that impacts your life. If not, we refund 100% of your money.
No Risk, High Upside
SBI! costs only $29.99 per month or $299 per year. If it's not for you, just cancel and refund. Here’s the 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee.
Total risk = $0. It all boils down to this…
Only your experience counts. That is the direct, fast and simple way to know.
Wishing you the success you deserve,
Founder and CEO
SiteSell Inc.
P.S. You don't really need the following information if you keep it simple and insist on proof of success that surpasses ours. Our comprehensive study is all you need to know if you have been drawn into Wealthy Affiliate’s fake reviews.
Still, you may find the additional information below useful.
How Can You Spot a Fake SBI! Review?
Watch for these tell-tale signs:
- The reviews follow a similar pattern, using the SBI! review as a springboard to recommend a competitor's product.
- They either link to their own glowing review of that product or directly to the competing product via an affiliate link.
- They use similar, sometimes identical recommendation wording (“better option”, “my #1 recommendation").
- They use near identical charts for a “feature-by-feature” comparison between SBI! and the other product.
- If you dig, you will see that they repeat a variety of "downsides" of SBI!. Some read as if they did a light paraphrasing. As mentioned earlier, some may be very aggressive, while others do it in a "fair voice." Some even pronounce us to be "good." But they all end up pushing you to Wealthy Affiliate as their superior recommendation.
- They state that the competing product is much better without giving any evidence at all. You never see the kind of proof we provide. Surely at least one of these affiliates would show verifiable proof of success? I figure... They would if they could.
We've only ever seen one review do so, pointing out 16 success stories. Most people would be impressed. That disappears if you know how to analyze them. Only two included the domain names. But surprise…
Those two were not Wealthy Affiliate customers.
Check that by entering the domain name into If the site has "NS1.MYWAHOSTING.COM" and "NS2.MYWAHOSTING.COM" as its "Name Server," it's a customer of WA. If it doesn't, it's not a WA client.
For SBI!, the name servers are NS1.SITESELL.COM and NS2.SITESELL.COM. All sites are hosted by us except for two in the Case Studies, which are being sold. Yes, SBI! sites generate a nice balloon payment for equity we talked about above.
Larger, acquiring companies normally move sites to their own platforms. We will leave those sites up, with final updates, as terrific illustrations of how real online businesses build equity that ultimately pays off when you sell your business.
What about the other 14 "success stories?" No domain. If you can't check it, ignore it. Your future is too important to bet on a company that refuses to prove success in a VERIFIABLE way.
Bottom line...
INSIST ON PROOF — GET THE DOMAIN NAME. And then check it out, as outlined above. If there's no proof or if the proof is bogus, walk away.
It's that simple. Don't try to figure out the sales copy and false claims. Some affiliates spin powerful stories, but please realize — many people will and do lie to get your money. They'll pull proof from other reviews that make outrageously negative claims about us. The only story that matters is the answer to this famous question...
Seriously, insist on proof. It becomes easy to answer the only question that matters...
"Who Is Most Likely to Help Me Build a Successful Online Business?"
I hope this page has, at a minimum, armed you with the tools you need to figure out who will help you succeed. I also hope you realize that there truly is nothing like SBI!. Either way or both...
Best of luck to you!